winter skin - be comfortable, we support it
winter skin - be comfortable, we support it
Winter has officially arrived, leaving cold, harsh temperatures and dry skin to arrive with it. Skin feeling dehydrated, dry, itchy, or super sensitive? Feeling like your regular skincare routine just isn’t cutting it anymore? What is it about the winter season that makes our skin so dry?
During the winter season, the air’s humidity level drops leaving your skin with less moisture in the air to depend on. Cold and blustery winds can also aggravate your skin and make it feel more dry, irritated, and cause redness and extreme sensitivity. To escape the cold, we often blast the heater, which also pulls additional moisture out of the air and dehydrates your skin even faster. In order to combat the drier season, it is important to change up your current skincare routine with products that are filled with rich antioxidants, plus some hydrating extras to keep your skin comfortable, healthy, and nourished.
Here are 6 tips to keep your skin nourished and keep you comfortable:
1. a humidifier to maximize moisture
A humidifier in your home and office will help restore moisture to the air, helping to prevent cracking/itchy patches and keep your skin hydrated.
Run a humidifier in your home or office where you spend the most time in, and aim to keep indoor humidity levels between 30 and 50 percent. For extra hydration run overnight as well.
2. lower water temperatures for showering and hand-washing
Long, steamy showers may sound like a great idea when it’s cold and blustery, but very hot water can dry out the skin. Aim for a warm vs. hot shower or hand washing as it is less likely to irritate your skin.
3. use a gentle cleanser
Using a fragrance-free, coconut based cleanser like our gentle cleansing soap, will both gently cleanse while also keeping the skin at the optimal pH level while maintaining hydration.
4. moisturize your skin and hands frequently, especially after showers or hand washing
Excessive washing, showers, in combination with extremely dry weather will dry out the skin. Optimal hydration and choosing the right moisturizer with nourishing ingredients. Always choose a moisturizer that is also fragrance-free. The revitalizing body moisturizer provides the optimal hydration even the driest, chapped skin from sensitive to tattooed skin needs. Rich in green tea extract, to protect the skin from environmental stressors while also smoothing skin. Ceramides help create a protective barrier that locks in moisture to the skin, helping to improve skin texture and tone. Lastly, the signature waterbreak technology, helps skin - from tattooed to sensitive, encapsulates large amounts of water within a silicone matrix that creates an occlusive layer to trap moisture into the skin.
5. wear comfortable and non irritating clothing
Many fabrics during the cold winter can irritate the skin. Rather than layering wool directly on skin, wear light layers made from natural fabrics like cotton or silk directly on skin, followed by your heavier layers. Don’t forget to protect your hands with gloves or mittens when exposed to extreme temperatures.
6. nourish your body and stay hydrated
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, to avoid dehydration. Avoid processed foods and sugars, and eat whole foods that are naturally rich in antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals.
Winter has officially arrived, leaving cold, harsh temperatures and dry skin to arrive with it. Skin feeling dehydrated, dry, itchy, or super sensitive? Feeling like your regular skincare routine just isn’t cutting it anymore? What is it about the winter season that makes our skin so dry?
During the winter season, the air’s humidity level drops leaving your skin with less moisture in the air to depend on. Cold and blustery winds can also aggravate your skin and make it feel more dry, irritated, and cause redness and extreme sensitivity. To escape the cold, we often blast the heater, which also pulls additional moisture out of the air and dehydrates your skin even faster. In order to combat the drier season, it is important to change up your current skincare routine with products that are filled with rich antioxidants, plus some hydrating extras to keep your skin comfortable, healthy, and nourished.
Here are 6 tips to keep your skin nourished and keep you comfortable:
1. a humidifier to maximize moisture
A humidifier in your home and office will help restore moisture to the air, helping to prevent cracking/itchy patches and keep your skin hydrated.
Run a humidifier in your home or office where you spend the most time in, and aim to keep indoor humidity levels between 30 and 50 percent. For extra hydration run overnight as well.
2. lower water temperatures for showering
and hand-washing
Long, steamy showers may sound like a great idea when it’s cold and blustery, but very hot water can dry out the skin. Aim for a warm vs. hot shower or hand washing as it is less likely to irritate your skin.
3. use a gentle cleanser
Using a fragrance-free, coconut based cleanser like our Gentle Cleansing Soap, will both gently cleanse while also keeping the skin at the optimal pH level while maintaining hydration.
4. moisturize your skin and hands
frequently, especially after showers or hand washing
Excessive washing, showers, in combination with extremely dry weather will dry out the skin. Optimal hydration and choosing the right moisturizer with nourishing ingredients. Always choose a moisturizer that is also fragrance-free. The revitalizing body moisturizer provides the optimal hydration even the driest, chapped skin from sensitive to tattooed skin needs. Rich in green tea extract, to protect the skin from environmental stressors while also smoothing skin. Ceramides help create a protective barrier that locks in moisture to the skin, helping to improve skin texture and tone. Lastly, the signature waterbreak technology, helps skin - from tattooed to sensitive, encapsulates large amounts of water within a silicone matrix that creates an occlusive layer to trap moisture into the skin.
5. wear comfortable and non irritating clothing
Many fabrics during the cold winter can irritate the skin. Rather than layering wool directly on skin, wear light layers made from natural fabrics like cotton or silk directly on skin, followed by your heavier layers. Don’t forget to protect your hands with gloves or mittens when exposed to extreme temperatures.
6. nourish your body and stay hydrated
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, to avoid dehydration. Avoid processed foods and sugars, and eat whole foods that are naturally rich in antioxidants, essential vitamins and minerals.
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